
Boost ASIO echo UDP asynchronous server

A change request for the echo UDP client-server app discussed before. We want keep the client as is, but we need the server be asynchronous.

Instead of using the synchronous calls receive_from() and send_to() on a UDP socket, we are going to use their asynchronous versions async_receive_from() and async_send_to().

The asynchronicity leads naturally to implement a class, having a socket has its private data member, so that we can make our asynchronous call on it.
const int MAX_LEN = 1'024;
const uint16_t ECHO_PORT = 50'015;

class Server
    udp::socket socket_;  // 1
    udp::endpoint endpoint_;  // 2
    char data_[MAX_LEN];  // 3

// ...
1. Our ASIO UDP socket.
2. The endpoint we use to keep track of the client currently connected to the server.
3. Data buffer, used to keep track of the message received from the client.

The constructor gets the app ASIO I/O context by reference from the caller and uses it to instantiate its member socket. Then it calls its private method receive() to start its endless job.
Server(ba::io_context& io) : socket_(io, udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), ECHO_PORT))  // 1

void receive()
    socket_.async_receive_from(ba::buffer(data_), endpoint_, [this](bs::error_code ec, std::size_t len) {  // 2
        if (!ec && len > 0)  // 3
            receive();  // 4
1. The socket requires also an endpoint describing the associated protocol and port. We create it on the fly.
2. Call asynchronously receive_from on the socket. ASIO would put in the data buffer what the client sends and store its network information in the passed endpoint. When the socket receive is completed, ASIO would call the handler passed as third parameter, here a lambda that captures "this" and honors the expected parameters.
3. If the receiving worked fine - no error_code reported - and the message is not empty, we'll call our Server send() method, to echo the message.
4. Otherwise - error or empty message - we don't have to send anything back, so we call the enclosing receive() method, to serve a new client.

When a "good" message is received from a client, our server sends it back to it as is:
void send(std::size_t len)
    socket_.async_send_to(ba::buffer(data_, len), endpoint_, std::bind(&Server::receive, this));
The socket gets the job of asynchronously send the data, as stored in the Server member variable, with the length, as passed in as parameter, to the endpoint saved as Server member variable. When the data transfer is completed, ASIO would call the handler passed as third argument. Here we don't want to do anything in case or error, not even logging something, so we can simply bind to the handler a call to "this" receive(), ignoring error code and length of the transferred data.

I pushed the complete C++ source file to GitHub. The code is based on the UDP asynchronous echo example in the official Boost ASIO documentation.

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